
MCCV was founded more than 31 years ago to address emerging air quality regulations on behalf of manufacturers, which were a primary focus for stationary pollutant reductions. This issue remains as relevant as ever as our local region continues to set aggressive and first-ever standards and expectations of industry. Some of the topics and issues we follow today are:

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD)

MCCV participate in stakeholder meetings and public workshops, where our members' collective voice contributes to the dialogue on air quality initiatives. Our member-led committees work to keep the MCCV community informed about important developments, such as PM2.5 plans, permit revisions, and rule updates. By channeling our members' diverse experiences and insights, we foster constructive discussions that consider both environmental progress and economic sustainability. Our member-driven approach ensures that SJVAPCD's processes benefit from the practical knowledge of Central Valley manufacturers.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

MCCV monitors EPA activities relevant to air quality in the Central Valley, such as the Clean Fleets initiative. We monitor federal air quality standards and our members dialog about potential impacts and opportunities. Our engagement with EPA initiatives aims to contribute local insights to national policy discussions. We work to ensure our members' perspectives are considered as part of the broader dialogue on federal air quality regulations, fostering a collaborative approach to addressing environmental challenges.

California Air Resource Board (CARB)

MCCV closely follows CARB's statewide air quality policies, attending workshops and reviewing proposed amendments to provide informed feedback. We work to ensure our members are well-represented in discussions. We leverage expertise within our member companies and external authorities on these complex regulations and help our members understand and prepare for new initiatives, such as zero-emission vehicle programs and the Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation. We contribute constructively to CARB's policy-making process, aiming for outcomes that address both environmental and economic considerations.

Other Relevant Air Issues

MCCV maintains a broad perspective on air quality management by monitoring national and state initiatives beyond our immediate region. This comprehensive approach allows us to provide our members with insights into the evolving regulatory landscape and potential future issues. For instance, we observe developments from other air districts, such as the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), whose freight Rail Yards Proposed Rules have the potential to set precedence. 

We also track emerging trends, technologies, and policy approaches from across the country that may shape future air quality regulations. 

By staying informed about these wider developments, MCCV helps its members anticipate and prepare for potential future regulatory changes. We use this knowledge to facilitate informed, forward-looking conversations about air quality management strategies, ensuring that Central Valley manufacturers are well-prepared for the evolving air quality landscape.


By harnessing our members' collective knowledge and concerns, MCCV helps its community stay informed about emerging water issues and prepares them for potential future regulatory changes.

State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)

Guided by our members' priorities, we closely monitor SWRCB activities and keeps our community informed about critical developments. Our member-led committees track board meetings, agenda items, and regulatory changes that impact Central Valley manufacturers. Key focus areas include:

  • Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund Expenditure Plan
  • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program
  • Direct Potable Reuse Regulations
  • Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) compliance

Department of Water Resources (DWR)

MCCV's engagement with DWR is shaped by our members' need for up-to-date water resource information. We monitor and share:

  • Current conditions for major reservoirs
  • California Water Watch updates
  • Climate crisis impact reports on water supplies
  • Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) developments

Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS)

MCCV's involvement in CV-SALTS initiatives is driven by our members' need to navigate complex water quality programs. We focus on:

  • Salinity Control Program deadlines and compliance
  • Nitrate Control Program for Priority 1 and 2 Basins
  • Management Zone participation opportunities

Division of Drinking Water (DDW)

At our members' request, MCCV closely follows DDW regulations and provides guidance on compliance. Our current focus includes:

  • Hexavalent Chromium MCL implementation and compliance deadlines
  • Initial sampling requirements and deadlines

Region 5 Water Board

Responding to our members' local concerns, MCCV tracks Region 5 Water Board activities, including:

  • Board meeting agendas and Executive Officer's Reports
  • Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program updates
  • Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation

Emerging Water Issues

At our members' behest, MCCV maintains a broad perspective on water issues affecting the Central Valley. We monitor and share insights on topics such as:

  • Groundwater and stormwater capture strategies
  • Water Resources Development Act reauthorization
  • Water affordability challenges and solutions
  • Climate change impacts on hydropower and water resources
  • Mandatory water budgets for California cities

Workforce Development

We strive to create a policy environment that supports our members' workforce development goals and strengthens the manufacturing talent pipeline in the Central Valley.

Program Engagement and Optimization

MCCV actively engages with existing workforce development programs to maximize their value for the manufacturing sector. Our member-led committees:

  • Identify and evaluate workforce programs relevant to manufacturing
  • Facilitate member access to these programs, simplifying the engagement process
  • Provide feedback to program administrators based on our members' experiences
  • Advocate for adjustments that better align programs with manufacturing needs

© 2024 Manufacturers Council of the Central Valley. All rights reserved.

Manufacturers Council of the Central Valley is a non-profit organization. 530 11th Street, Modesto, CA 95354

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