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Water: Quality, Supply, Reuse & Discharge

A safe and secure water supply is essential to the San Joaquin Valley manufacturing industry. Wastewater management also poses challenges for many facilities. As a result, the Manufacturers Council of the Central Valley (MCCV) tracks regulatory policies, trends and technologies that influence water supply availability, water quality, water re-use and wastewater management.

MCCV advocates water policy consistent with a “growth pays for growth” approach, which leads to fairness in rates for water supply and wastewater discharge, whether via land application systems or to publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Though costs are a critical consideration, the MCCV’s interests have a broader scope. MCCV recognizes that to ensure a healthy regional economic base in the future, it is imperative to work with municipal governments today to address land utilization issues that affect water policy.

MCCV seeks to raise the awareness of MCCV member companies about applicable federal, state and local water policy issues and treatment technology advances, and will highlight issues that may warrant action by member companies. These include issues such as:

  • Water recycling policy
  • State salinity policy group for impacts on member companies
  • Development of state enforcement policy
  • State strategic plan and water quality planning activity
  • Development of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
  • Changes in groundwater policy
  • Stormwater management
  • Basin planning process
  • Land application and discharge, including permitting and research
  • Working with local municipalities/POTW’s
  • Water reuse and source reduction opportunities
  • Innovative treatment technologies
  • Energy efficiency in water management
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